Tanna Dean

Tanna Dean

Outdoor Environment and Primary Afterschool Teacher

My Why Story

I moved to Arizona three years ago from New England. My husband and I choose the Northeast because I really wanted to raise my children to be close to family nature. Some of my fondest memories are spending time at educational gardens and farms with my kids.

I think one of the most influential experiences was when my daughter (three years old at the time) and I were volunteering at Stonewall Farm and she asked what a creature she found in the garden was and what it did. I told her it was beetle and said she should watch it for a while and see what it did. She diligently followed her little subject down the row of beans. I went back to weeding and a moment later she was running back to me, beaming with pride and shouting that “It flies! It flies!”. That moment of wonder and pride is what draws me back to teaching again and again.

This is my first year at San Tan Charter School and I am looking forward to cultivating opportunities for exploration and discovery in the outdoor environment.